MIC Youth chief T. Mohan
Yesterday, MIC Youth chief T. Mohan released a statement criticising the appointment by saying that “appointing the guy who tarnished the country’s image… will weaken component parties like MIC and other Indian representatives in BN.”
He said the Prime Minister should have chosen from those who been loyal partners of Barisan Nasional.
“The prime minister can even consider members from the Indian Progressive Front (IPF) – who have been loyal to BN for the last 25 years – for senior positions in the government.
“I strongly feel that there are many other better choices within BN than Waythamoorty,” he said MIC.
Mohan said Waythamoorthy’s appointment was never discussed with MIC – a BN partner of 55 years – which left a question mark over the party’s status in BN.
“The question is, how far is BN being respectful towards MIC?” he asked.
However, MIC strategic director S.Vell Paari said in a statement that Waythamorty’s appointment was testimony that Najib was committed to his promise to uplift the socio-economic status of the Indian community.
“Waytha had previously made extremely negative accusation at the PM and Barisan Nasional, but the very fact that the PM is willing to set aside all this shows that he puts the development of the Indian community above his own feelings,” he said.
Two weeks after Parliament was dissolved, Waythamoorthy signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) between Hindraf and BN and pledged to support the coalition.
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