Source : Syed Akbar Ali
GLC Management's Kill Again - MAS Admitted To ICU
Folks the conclusion first : Malaysia Airlines is in trouble again. There is only one way to turn MAS around - stop the stealing. People who have been reading old books about Wall Street raiders are now planning to rip off MAS.
Here is the story. MAS is actually quite a jewel in the crown. Here are some really positive things about MAS.
· MAS provides excellent service
· an excellent fleet of airplanes
· an almost 100% unblemished safety record
· good routes and most vitally,
· strong passenger loads.
Here is more about MAS from BK Sidhu of The Star :
· airline reported its highest ever load factor of 84.3% for June
· carrying 47,000 passengers every day
· Last year daily number of passengers was 37,000.
· flies 17% more flights per day
· managing 340 flights per day, 60 destinations.
· “RM3bil cash in the bank
· rural routes being fully subsidised by government
Other airlines around the world which enjoy the same ingredients are able to make profits.
May I add something else - MAS also has a near monopoly access over the most favourable airport services and ground handling services in Malaysia plus strong Government support.
And yet MAS is in trouble again. They are making losses. Now they are saying that they want to sell off MAS.
Folks, do you know that Malaysian Airlines share price is now down to just 33 sen a share? A roll of toilet paper costs more. We are talking about our national airline. Apa sudah jadi?
The corporate raiders are now drooling at MAS. Old crooks have learnt new tricks. The stealing is going on. The Prime Minister is sleeping.
Imagine you were a crook. Then you were put in charge of this huge and wonderful asset called MAS. You cannot steal the airplanes - they are too big. Someone else has already stolen the food catering business.
So what would you do? How would you steal? It is a listed company. You push down the prices of the shares. You push it down to almost worthless paper. You float all sorts of negative news about MAS as well.
Then you call up your fellow crooks. They come in as "white nights" and say 'We have come to save you. We will buy over MAS and save it".
So they buy over MAS at 33 sen a share or less. Then they break up the company and sell off its core businesses and assets. This is called asset stripping.
The accounts say MAS has 56 sen worth of assets per share. The share price is 33 sen per share. Each share therefore already has a 23 sen 'buta premium'.
Or they can push the share prices down even further - to toilet paper level. At such low prices, of course they can buy it cheap and then "miraculously" boost the share price up again. They will make some bombastic announcements. The share price goes up, maybe even doubles or triples. Or more.
Then they unload their shares, make a neat profit, pay themselves off and exit the scene. MAS will fly into more turbulence again. Then another rescue package will be put in place yet again.
Here are some graphics from The Star about all the MAS rescue packages since 2002. It is now 2013. They have been ripping off MAS for over 11 years already.

Star graphics.
Somewhere in between all these rescue plans in the diagram above MAS once paid RM38 for six bottles of mineral water !! You can buy Spritzer at Mydin for about RM15 per six bottles.
Making things worse was the fact that MAS' highly profitable food catering business was sold to Slumberjack's brother. From making huge profits, MAS made immediate losses on food because now they had to buy the food from Slumberjack's brother. What a fantastic business model. This is called the "Nenek Tua Business Model". It is just a few steps ahead of the "Proton School of Management."
Here is a news report from The Star :
· MURMURS of ownership change and the sale of MAS
· Idris Jala’s comments that MAS should not be sold at a loss.
· no smoke without fire. Something brewing for Idris to make such statements
· some behind-the-scene movement to what he has said.
· interested parties eyeing MAS.
· structural problems of the past
· RM3bil cash, market cap over RM5.2bil, an attractive takeover target
· should ownership of MAS revert back to private hands
· Khazanah has 69.4% stake in MAS
· ..why idea of sale when turnaround plan just starting to show results?
· 33 sen a share attractive after RM8bil financial reconstruction and cash RM3bil
· operationally positive as a lot of cleaning been done.
· should report profits by 2014
· has newer fleet, bring operational cost down drastically
· all these factors are good for the buyer,” says an expert.
· two groups - Ahmad Johan of Nadi and Syed Azman Ibrahim Weststar
· Weststar has cash & Nadi, which owns Mofaz Air has expertise.
· Ahmad Johan has stake in Malindo Air and runs a MRO facility
· Syed Azman has RM6bil helicopter services to oil and gas
· Syed Azman, known also as “AP King” has cash.
· US KKR is paying RM650mil for 1/3 of Weststar Aviation
· MAS Union don’t see eye-to-eye with Ahmad Jauhari Yahya - no-confidence.
· union also unhappy the commercial unit is headed by foreigners
· MAS was controlled by Tajuddin Ramli but he sold his shares for RM8 a share.
· What guarantee new buyers will not do the same thing ?
· MAS NTA per share is 56 sen. Khazanah is certainly not going to sell at the NTA. (Who told you?)
The prize?
· The biggest fear of any sale or privatisation is asset-strip the airline
· park those lucrative ancillary businesses into their own companies.
· exercise to help new buyers asset-strip said an expert.
· five businesses – passenger, cargo, ground handling, catering & MRO
· MRO business makes money and certified internationally
· Ground services good potential - 4.2 million passengers
· ground handling for airlines - like Singapore Airport Terminal Services (SATS)
· cargo division has provided good returns
Legacy consideration
MAS no stranger to rescue attempts - none seemed to have worked.
· fix basic problem – MAS spends more than it earns.
· does not have huge reserves to ride out any eventualities.
· Supplies are overpriced
· entry of new management bloat the workforce.
· MAS has unearthed huge inventories for spares
· Various contracts over-priced
This is what the Star says - supply contracts overpriced, buying more aircraft spares than they need, bloated senior management (paid RM50,000 - RM80,000 a month). Its plain rock and roll at MAS.
At one time MAS even bought expensive art works - paintings of fat women by some Mat Salleh painter. That was some fetish.
How does MAS survive through all this mismanagement, incompetence, restructuring, stealing, thievery and stupidity?
The answer is simple : YOUR MONEY. Taxpayer's money - that bottomless pit of taxpayers funds which is the source of stealing and cheating for the connected and the powerful in this country.
Hardly any one of them earns an honest income. Their income comes from rerouting taxpayers money through hare brained schemes, hare brained projects and through the GLCs.Companies go bust, taxpayers lose money but somehow the same money ends up in their pockets.
Kalau tak tahu nak jaga bisnes jual sajalah MAS kepada Tony Fernandez. I am sure he can turn around MAS. Or ask someone else more capable to run things. It is not difficult at all to turn around such heavyweight companies. They have plenty of strengths.
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